Rhode Island School of Design
Custom type system and seal refinement for Rhode Island School of Design.

The new RISD type system consists of two parts: RISD Serif, a headline typeface which ranges from complete to incomplete, and the utilitarian RISD Sans, which serves as the system’s straightforward, neutral backbone. In addition to creating the type system, I redrew the RISD seal in an effort to simplify features, optimize for small sizes, and bring to life some of the hand-crafted quality of John Howard Benson’s original sketches.

In collaboration with Andrea Trabucco-Campos and the rest of the Gretel team, along with the RISD team.
Type design: Ryan Bugden
Seal refinement: Ryan Bugden
Seal consultation: Nick Benson
CD: Andrea Trabucco-Campos
ECD: Ryan Moore
DD: Dylan Mulvaney
Identity: Andrea Trabucco-Campos, Dylan Mulvaney, Lea Loo
Motion design: Aanvik Singh, John Choi

© Ryan Bugden